Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Best Part

by Judy

I know that many of you will agree that traveling - whether to a far off exotic land, or just two states away to visit your best friend - is usually a lot of fun.

All of the anxious anticipation starts long before one steps aboard a plane, or gets behind the wheel of a car.  The research, planning, buying, and packing is such a large part of what makes going away so much fun.  I mean, who doesn't love marking big red X's on a calendar as you count down the days?!

Traveling adds so much to our lives - the new experiences are beautiful opportunities to learn and grow. But don't be fooled by this post so far.  This is not as much a post about going away, as it is about coming home.  When I am away, no matter how exciting or relaxing my experiences, it is always so comforting to walk through my front door and think," ahhh, home sweet home."  In fact, I think sometimes, that may be the best part about going away.

While I wasn't traveling all of these past months, I was away from this blog.  Posting again today feels a lot like coming home.  Just as each time we return home from traveling we're a little changed from our experiences, I come back here today feeling changed.  More relaxed, more focused, a little wiser, and so, so grateful to be back.  I once again look forward to sharing this special place on the internet with all of the incredible women here at FOL, and with all of you!

While pondering this post I came across a wonderful quote by author Wendy Wunder:

"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, 
and it feels even better to come back."

It's good to be home everyone - it's really good to be home.  


  1. Welcome home Judy--I look forward to reading your posts once again:)

  2. So good to see you back! Looking forward to what you'll share with us!

  3. it is so, so good to have you back home friend. xoxo

  4. Welcome home! It's unanimous - it's great to have you back as a contributor. You never really left us but now you're an active presence. So exciting!

  5. I know exactly what you mean about traveling and coming home. I know I appreciate home even more after having been away. So great to have you back, Judy!

  6. Just thrilled to have you back again! Northeast -represent!! Always loved your writing as well as your photography -so good to see you again here!

    1. Dotti, Terri, Carol, Cathy, Kelly an Leigh, thank you for the warm welcome back! I'm so glad to be here again.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Delightful to see you back home, Judy.


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