Saturday, November 12, 2016

Coming to a Sky Near You :: Super Supermoon

by Dotti

This Sunday and Monday will be the optimum times to see and photograph a spectacular super supermoon. The last time the moon was this close to the earth was in 1948; the next time will be 2034. So – get your tripods, cameras and longest telephoto lenses ready and join the fun by posting your moon shots to our Flickr page!

Here are some websites that you may find helpful:

Happy Hunting!


  1. Thank you. Looking forward to giving it a try.

  2. Thanks for all the links. I really want to give some of these ideas a try!

  3. Thank you Dotti! I had forgotten about it!! I practiced some last night and they didn't turn out too bad! Going to try again tonight.


Thank you for sharing part of your day with us. If for any reason you are unable to leave a comment here on this post, please leave your comment on our Facebook page or in our Flickr discussion group. We love hearing from you!