Friday, November 25, 2016

Focus On You


Really, on Thanksgiving Day here in the U.S., how could we pick anything other than apple pie?

This beautiful close up of apple tarts going into the oven perfectly fit my mood tonight. It's from Penny Pierce at Life Unscripted Photography, and you can see more at her Flickr stream    

Thanks for your beautiful and evocative contribution. We are happy to have you as a part of our FOL family. 

And Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S. (and enjoy being thankful for those of you elsewhere.) 


  1. How clever! Individual apple pie tarts! In addition to making me hungry, this feast is a treat for the eyes as well. Thanks, Penny, for sharing with us.

  2. Such pretty tarts! Makes my mouth water! This image makes me think of home and family.

  3. Looks like warmth and home And all that is good in life

  4. Love these! They look labor-intensive and totally worth it! Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful images with us, Penny!

  5. I'm so happy to be featured today and it warms my heart to think my photo evoked such memories and thoughts of home and holidays. Thank you so much! Happy Holidays!


Thank you for sharing part of your day with us. If for any reason you are unable to leave a comment here on this post, please leave your comment on our Facebook page or in our Flickr discussion group. We love hearing from you!