Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Beauty Of Winter

by Cathy

“When one sees the tree in leaf
one thinks the beauty of the tree is in it’s leaves,
and then one sees the bare tree.”
~ Samuel Menashe

What do you think when you look up and see a tree's bare branches? Are they boring? Depressing? Something we have to endure till spring? Or do you see beauty? Shapes? Textures?

I haven’t always paid much attention to bare trees. It wasn't until I began to wander more and more outside with my camera that I began to take notice of them. Then I began to really see them and see their individual beauty. The last couple of weeks I've taken my camera out and studied tree branches. Here's a little of what I saw.

I saw branches that looked like long fingers pointing toward the sky.

I saw multitudes of tiny branches springing from the main branch.

I have seen the shape of branches defined by snow.
(This one is from my archives. We've only had a dusting of snow this year)

I saw decorated trees with seedpods hanging from branches.

I saw mysterious branches reaching out in the fog.

I saw a squirrels nest barely hanging on to the branches.

I saw bunches of mistletoe that are usually hidden among the green leaves.

I saw twisting, bending limbs.

I saw evening light reflecting off the branches.

There is so much to see if only we would pause and look around. I hope you’ll stop for a few minutes before you go on with your day; go outside or look out the window and study the nearest tree. Marvel at its shape and texture.

It seems we here at Focusing On Life have been inspired by winter's trees. Just this week  Kelly showed us how trees can be our example in weathering the storms of life and Judy’s thoughts were on embracing the changing seasons. I hope you’re inspired by trees and our thoughts and images. I hope you'll find ways to appreciate the beauty of winter. Oh, and be sure when you find some of winter's beauty to share it in our Flickr gallery or use #focusingonlife on Instagram. We do love what you share!


  1. Beautiful photos Cathy! I love trees❤️

  2. I love each and every one of your photos! They really convey the beauty of winter trees. I remember when I lived in New York for a short time I loved seeing the leafless tree branches silhouetted against the twilight sky. We don't have a lot of trees around here that drop their leaves but there are a few and I'm going to go in search of them. You've inspired me!

  3. As I drove to and from my appointment in another town, I made it a point to observe the many trees along the way. Of course, since I was driving, I was unable to find the details and character of the trees. But you're right, each tree displays a bit of its personality if we take the time to look. Typically, I am not terribly moved by bare branches but this month, I'm trying to have a greater appreciation for them.

  4. Wonderful images of bare trees, Cathy. There is such beauty in them. The quotation is perfect and so fits the loveliness of trees in winter.


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