Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Word of Intent

by Leigh

     bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established
     join together so as to provide access and communication
     to establish communication between
     to join, link or fasten together; unite or bind

And so it begins....another year....a fresh 365.  For the last few years I have chosen a word of intent rather than setting myself up for failure by setting a resolution.  I use my word to guide my daily photo meditations that I post on Instagram (#loveleeokc_connect2017)  

My words in past years:

2014 BE
2015 FOCUS

I take some time to think about what intention I would like to set for the new year.  Sometimes it comes to me right away while other times it needs to mull around in my brain and on my heart before my intuition kicks me and says...that's it! that's your word!
This is one of the years that I'm going with the first word that came to me.  And that word is connect.

There are so many ways for me to apply it in my life.  I want to connect with others.  I want to connect with my body, mind and spirit. I want to connect with my camera.  I want to connect with nature.

I intend to connect with others by putting down the devices and listening earnestly to what they are saying.  I want to have genuine conversations. I want to invite a friend for coffee to talk about what's on our hearts and minds.  I want to cook a meal together with my children without the distraction of iphone or television.  I want to go to dinner with my husband on a regular basis so we can have real conversation and not just a "hello, how was your day?" in passing.
I intend to connect with my body, mind and spirit through meditation, movement and giving my body whole and natural foods.  
I intend to connect with my camera by continuing my one little word instagrams, taking some online classes, and working to build up my Stocksy port
I intend to connect with nature by getting outside everyday and engaging all five senses to keep me grounded.

How about you?  Have you chosen a word for the new year?  I invite you to share your word with us in the comments, on Instagram or on our Facebook page or by posting your photo in our Flickr pool.


  1. Connect is a good word to choose. No, I no longer choose words for the year, but specific words come to mind just when I see what I see!

  2. This is the best word ever! Your idea of using action verbs is a winner. I can't wait to see your "connections" in IG and FB. And I'm wholeheartedly applauding "putting the gadgets down". We all need to do more of that!

    To be honest, the word bit doesn't work any better for me than resolutions but I love learning about words that others choose. And I love yours!

  3. Love your word! Connecting is so important and something we need to work at these days with so many things getting in the way and I like the way you're using it as an Instagram prompt. I chose a word for a few years and then sort of fizzled out but I love your word so much that I might just have to "borrow" it to use this year! And I can't leave without saying, that last photo is simply amazing. The dof and bokeh just blow me away!

  4. You've chosen a word that we all need to think more about. We do need to put down electronic devices and learn to connect with others again! I've chosen words a few years, but then didn't do much with them. I have had the word "pause" on my mind a lot lately. Maybe that will be my word for this year.

  5. Because the minimalism calls to me so much, no word this year. Unless it's less. Hahaha. And boy oh boy, I am ALL for people putting gadgets down and giving their full attention to the person right in front of them.

  6. Interesting I had connect as my word for 2016 and I certainly connected more. This year learn is my word, I love the idea of the University of The Third Age where people over the age of 50 meet and exchange skills through life long learning, I hope to join them in my local community and gain new skills and maybe pass on some of mine.

  7. These pictures are beautiful, as always, and I love your word. It seems to say everything that you stand for. I also love your intentions that go with it.
    My word for the year is beyond. I want to get beyond the disappointments of 2016, beyond my family's health issues - I hope it will encourage me to care for myself above and beyond the daily events that may come our way. Good luck with your intentions! Happy New Year!


Thank you for sharing part of your day with us. If for any reason you are unable to leave a comment here on this post, please leave your comment on our Facebook page or in our Flickr discussion group. We love hearing from you!