Thursday, May 25, 2017


by Linda

Here we are, getting ready to say good-bye to May. And-good news-a three day weekend is coming up! YAY!

Memorial Day is the official ushering in of summer. Around here anyway. There will be lots of boats on the road as people start breaking them out of winter storage and heading for the lake. That being said, the lakes will be full of boats, jet-skis, water-skiers and swimmers. (except Lady Bird Lake which usually bans jet skis on holiday weekends, but I digress)

The smells coming from backyard BBQ's will be everywhere! Neighborhood swimming pools will be a sight of noodles and beach balls!

Kids everywhere will be eagerly anticipating the end of school, unless they were lucky enough to get out before Memorial Day.

Summer vacations and trips to grandma's house will be on everyones mind.

Anticipation! It's great, isn't it! To be caught up in all the possibilities is fun! To plan serious down-time is almost as good as actually experiencing down-time! Kids, of course, look at summer as endless days of NOT going to school. Remember that feeling you had walking out of school on the last day? Best feeling ever!

Around here, Memorial Day is usually rainy and this year looks to be no different. It takes more than a little rain to ruin a perfectly good weekend.

Our family has begun summer vacation planning. How about you? Where will you go? What will you do?

We will go to the beach, it's a summer tradition. The grands have already started asking when we are going. Better get planning! I know how short summer really is!


sidebar-taking pictures of fireworks is hard. I obviously need practice.



  1. AH SUMMER IS looking good!n Especially from here, where its pouring!

  2. I don't look forward to the summer heat, but I do like the free feeling that summer brings, even to those of us that don't work or go to school! I try to think of cool thinks: watermelon, ice cream, lemonade!

  3. Lovely shots of your life now! I especially love the little bathing belle in that second photo. I shall be slightly sad to see the end of May which has been wonderful in all respects and also because the temperatures have been just right! I apprehend the heat of summer, especially when it's humid too!

  4. What most people would call "summer" has been happening around here for over a month! We've been in flipflops since the end of March and will be until November! Soon it will be hot, hot, hot and we'll all be looking forward to getting away to the beach on vacation. The only bad thing about spending a week or two in the cool temperatures of San Diego is coming back and knowing you won't be that cool again for many months. But there are still a lot of things to love about summer here -- bar-b-ques, time in the pool, lazy days reading and relaxing. S-U-M-M-E-R!!!

  5. Summertime and the livin' is easy! Even as I read this post and type my comment, we're getting ready to kick off our summer with our annual trip to the beach. My granddaughter has been out of school since last Friday so it's time to go! Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone!


Thank you for sharing part of your day with us. If for any reason you are unable to leave a comment here on this post, please leave your comment on our Facebook page or in our Flickr discussion group. We love hearing from you!