Monday, June 12, 2017

One Very Special Day

by Terri

Here at Focusing on Life, our posts are not always about photography. Sometimes they are about life and I think if I went back through all the posts over the past five years, I would find that most of them are about life. During good and hard times, happy and sad times, difficult and joyful times, we share our lives here with each other and with you.

Today I want to share the story of one of the most joyful events of my life. My oldest son recently married the love of this life and it was a beautiful and love-filled day shared with family and friends.

So many special moments! Both brothers were attendants.


My middle son is on the left and my youngest on the right. Somehow the photographer missed getting a photo of the three of them together (what??)

My grandson was an usher and escorted my 90-year-old mother to her seat before the ceremony.

My 5-year-old granddaughters were flower girls. They had the best time and looked like little angels!

Seeing my mom dancing with her first born grandson was a moment I’ll never forget.


And being with all my handsome men dressed up in tuxes is always a thrill!


All day I was basking in the glow of my love for all of them. You hope from the time they are born that they will someday find that special person to live their lives with and when it happens, there is no describing the happiness you feel. 

I know there can be mixed emotions when a child marries. You’ve heard that old saying:

"A son's a son 'til he takes a wife, a daughter's a daughter all of her life."

Being one of three girls who have always been close to our mom, I wondered if this was true, if having all sons meant they would grow up and marry and that would be an end to the closeness we shared. Nothing could be further from the truth! It’s more like the other old saying,

"You’re not losing a son, you’re gaining a daughter."

The daughter that I gained the day she married my son has been a daughter in my heart for many years. She and Greg met in high school and began dating seriously in college. After graduation, Liz moved to Dallas to take her dream job in the buying program at Neiman Marcus. Greg visited her there often and her family was here so she came home to visit frequently.

Finally they decided that Greg would move to Dallas and we figured in a year or so they would get engaged but even though that didn’t happen, we could tell how happy they were together, how perfect for each other.  They lived in Dallas for several years before deciding to move back to Phoenix. Of course, we were thrilled! A few months later they surprised us by getting engaged and we couldn’t have been happier. Liz is a girl that you love the minute you meet her and I had already loved her for many years. Now she was officially becoming my daughter! She is sweet, loving, and considerate to a fault and she loves my son! It’s written all over her face.

Exactly what every mother dreams of.

So seeing these two people I love pledge their love to each other, sharing the day with my beloved family and close friends, well, it was one of those times I will never forget. Just going through photos for this post made me wish we could go back and do it all over again!   

That’s my sister on the right next to my grandson. I’m so grateful to her for driving my mom down from where they live in the mountains so they could both be here on this special family day. It couldn’t have been more perfect and it’s one I will never forget.  

Thanks for letting me share this one very special day with you!


  1. What a wonderful and beautiful day to share here, Terri. The family photos are just lovely and your mother looks incredibly young and beautiful! Such sweet little flower girls and handsome men all over the place!! A precious souvenir for all concerned and a new daughter in your heart! It couldn't be better!

  2. COngratulations to you and your family, especially your son and his new wife! The day indeed looks perfect an d your mom looks wonderful,( I'm not going to say wonderful for 90 -she looks wonderful for 60! ) You have raised a lovely family. So glad you are one who treasures her blessings and appreciates what she has been given!

  3. It's an honour to see your beautiful family all together for this joyous occasion, hearty congratulations from Nova Scotia!!! Oh, the flower girls, the flower girls, so gorgeous. And your grandson walking your Mom to her seat. It felt like being there to read and see all of this. And you, my dear, look young enough to be the bride. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it! What a wonderful thing to have your family grow in this way, I wish the newlyweds days of peace and sunshine and much laughter.

  4. oh my heart terri! thank you so much for sharing your family's special day with us. xoxo

  5. Oh, Terry, you have such a lovely family! I also gained a daughter when my son married. It's wonderful when they fit right in the family. Congratulations to the new couple!

  6. Don't you just love it when things work out? Such a beautiful story! All of you looked radiant but your mom absolutely stole the day. The photo of her dancing with the groom is a true treasure because she looks so treasured - as I know she is. Thanks for sharing such a lovely story to begin our week.

  7. There is no way your mom is 90, she looks amazing! What a happy, happy day filled with such joy!


Thank you for sharing part of your day with us. If for any reason you are unable to leave a comment here on this post, please leave your comment on our Facebook page or in our Flickr discussion group. We love hearing from you!