Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Little Engine That Could

by Linda

Here we are just a few days past best wishes and midnight kisses. We turned the page on a month and a year that was. And boy was it! Were you eagerly awaiting the start of this new year? Did you have all kinds of good intentions and projects lined up and ready to go on the 1st?  Probably a lot of us did. There's something about the thought of starting anew that really makes me motivated. Until it's time to actually start anew. (I'll start my diet on Monday)

What happened to our motivation? I suspect the motivation is misdirected. It's great to have good intentions but without a plan, it's not gonna happen. A real plan. Like thinking and writing down all the steps it's going to take to get to the goal. I think that's why we fail. Because when have you ever gotten in your car without knowing where you are going and exactly how to get there? Probably never except for maybe a Sunday drive and even than you know you want to go somewhere scenic.
(if you fail to plan, you plan to fail)

Our motivation would be best used by setting a reasonable goal and creating real, measurable steps to get there and checking and rechecking the steps and crossing them off as we progress. Sounds tedious but it works.

What did you want to do new/different in the new year? I have been contemplating a 365 project. I say "contemplating" because I have not started yet and it's already past the 1st, but who said you have to start on the 1st? Are the 365 police going to take me to jail? But first, I will be considering the steps needed to make that happen. Yes, even if I seems painfully obvious, there should be some kind of way to monitor and re-energize me as I progress through the year. We have a Focus on a Photo a Day group on Flickr. I invite you to join me there!

And if you are looking for ideas, check out this post by PhotoJojo about photo project ideas. There is a shout out in there to our friend Soupatraveler.

Let's do this! Are you in?



  1. You're so right Linda. I must have lists and charts and monthly goals, and then I am successful. Such wisdom here this morning dear. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Wow! Your winter trees are beautiful and so perfect for our January theme. I spy with my little eye . . . something red.

    This post hits the nail on the head. We have to have a plan or at least an outline or a roadmap, perhaps, if we're going to succeed and meet our goal or reach our destination. If a 365 is too overwhelming, you can do series. My Christmas mug series was so much fun, I'm working on an idea for this month. But I don't have the plan down yet.

    Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Oh, yes, a plan is essential! I played around with the idea of doing a 365 a few years ago but didn't have a plan on how I was going to do it and, you guessed it, I failed miserably. Then I decided to do a 52 (one photo a week) and had a plan on how I would do it and it worked. It's not enough to have a goal, you have to have a plan. Thanks for the reminder!

  4. I did a 365 for two years! And one was a leap year. I was extremely excited when I bought my first dslr so used the 365's as a way to learn how to use the camera in manual mode and how to edit in Photoshop. I cringe now at some of my early efforts, but it was a great learning experience for me. Posting to Flickr, IG, or a blog makes you accountable! My goal for this year has yet to be clarified- I want to take more creative photos and also overcome some of my technical laziness and tendency toward snapping away without clear intentions. Good post- giving me food for thought!


Thank you for sharing part of your day with us. If for any reason you are unable to leave a comment here on this post, please leave your comment on our Facebook page or in our Flickr discussion group. We love hearing from you!