Friday, January 6, 2017

Focus on You

In going through the photos in the Flickr group to choose an image to focus on this week, I was amazed at the beauty you are all capturing of winter's bare branches! It's always hard to choose just one and this week was no exception.

But when I saw these branches hung with raindrop jewels and the beautiful bokeh in the background, I knew I had to share it with all of you who may not have seen it in the Flickr gallery.  This photo was taken by Larraine Zungolo who shares so many of her wonderful images here with us at FOL. Thanks for playing along with our Winter's Bare Branches theme, Larraine!


  1. There is something so magical about water droplets on branches and this photo is magic. The depth of field adds to the magic and mystery, the black and white sets the mood. Wonderful work, Larraine! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful branches and raindrops!

  3. thanks so much for featuring my photos as well as the kind comments


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