Monday, January 9, 2017

We're Really Not So Different After All

by Dotti

We may have the same color eyes
or not.
We may have the same color hair
or not.
We may have the same color skin
or not.
But underneath all that, we’re really not so different after all.

We may be married
or not.
We may have children
or not.
We may have grandchildren
or not.
But underneath all that, we’re really not so different after all.

We may live in a big house
or not.
We may live in a cottage
or not.
We may live in a city or town
or not.
But underneath all that, we’re really not so different after all.

We may have different religious views
or not.
We may have different political views
or not.
We may have different opinions on life
or not.
But underneath all that, we’re really not so different after all.

We  all have hearts that beat,
feelings that get hurt,
family that we love,
things that make us laugh,
things that make us cry.
You see, underneath all that, we’re really not so different after all.

So today I ponder: why do we have such a hard time accepting the beauty of our differences? Why can’t we agree to disagree without hating? Why can’t we see past what the eyes see to what the hearts feel? Why can’t we just all get along?

In 2017, I’m going to try harder to see past the surface and see hearts instead. Are you with me?


  1. I'm with you beautiful Dotti! Thanks for starting our week peacefully.

  2. amen dotti! thank you for a beautiful start to the week!

  3. I'm ALWAYS with you, Dotti, and especially now. If people could realize how alike we all are, how we all have the same struggles and joys, everyone would get along so much better and the world would be a much happier place. I don't know why this concept seems so hard for some people to grasp. But I'm with you and I'll bet a lot of other people are too.

  4. A beautiful post Dotti, your words are so kind and heartening to read.

  5. I 100% agree. Love this post and love you!

  6. Beautifully said and it's yes....I'm with you

  7. So well written! I'm with you too, Dotti.


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