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Nik Wallenda Publicity Photo (Marty Misner) |
How many of you watched Nik Wallenda walk 1450 feet across Niagra Falls on a soaking wet 2 inch steel wire? He was carrying 78 pounds of equipment, being pelted with rain and blinded by mist, and praying all the way across for his survival, as his kids looked on. He did this knowing how it feels to watch your parents and your grandparents taking similar risks. He comes from a family that has lost many members to daredevil stunts.
I admit it, I watched too, but I have to say I just don't get it! My son was home recently showing me all kinds of videos of risk takers. It seems everybody is jumping off something lately. Did you see the grandma who slipped out of her parachute? I just read that in New York City people can actually pay for the experience of being kidnapped unexpectedly! Are we so sedentary, sitting in front of our computers, that we are willing to bungi jump to the opposite extreme just to wake ourselves up?
Nik looked brave and focused, and the grandma wants to drive a race car next, but I would be more like Grace's Dad in the video below - "never again Grace!"
I love the sound of a roller coaster when I enter an amusement park. It's the sound of the boardwalk, the sound of summer fun. I love to look at roller coasters. I find them graceful and monstrous at the same time. But I just don't feel the need to make my heart beat that fast, to fool my body into thinking I am struggling for my life.
Psychologists say, that about one third of us enjoy the pounding heart, breathlessness, and sweaty palms that accompany our fear response. They say it's actually the feeling of having survived that people crave. This group likes testing their ability to go to the edge and live through it. They say they feel alive and engaged when they are scared, but in my opinion, that feeling of appreciating their life is only hitting them because they are risking it - or at least their brain thinks so! I just feel that I have a nice life going here, and I'd like to keep it going as long as possible! I like to feel my heart speeding up because I have found a beautiful nature scene, or because I am gazing at someone I love! I guess I've always been a bit of an old lady inside - but not the kind that jumps out of planes!
How about you? Are you a fan? Do you have some amusement park photos to post in our Flickr pool? (I do - because I'm the one who stays behind and holds the cotton candy and takes your picture while you're riding!)
(Don't forget to post your water themed images too - you can get your thrills by being chosen for our feature!)
Happy Trails
Well, I'm just going to say that I don't get it either. But then again I'm sure they don't get us, and the thrill we get stalking a lizard and shooting it with our cameras! : )
I think the pounding heart feeling I get when I wake up and put my feet on the floor is plenty of a rush for me...I'll stick to that! lol
Oh, and P.S...I'm the one holding the cotton candy too!
I'm the cotton candy holder as well. Have never really liked amusement park rides, having vertigo and motion sickness doesn't help with that. But on the rare occasions that I have ridden, I scream the whole time. I grip the "safety" bar so hard my hands sweat, and I truly am scared!! Don't like it, don't get it at all.
Fun post, Carol! Laughing the whole way through reading it.
This past winter, we, along with her parents, took our granddaughter to Walt Disney World. Granddaughter turned out to be Roller Coaster Queen. Although they have fancy names and fancy buildings there, that's essentially what they are. Well, not wanting to be a bad sport, I agreed to go on some. After a turn on one of them, Race Track, I think, I'd had enough. I declared a moratorium on the speed rides and stuck to Small, Small World. Now that's my speed!
This gave me a chuckle this morning, Carol! Having three boys, there were plenty of amusement parks while they were growing up. I remember going to Magic Mountain in CA and being so happy that our youngest was too small to go on the roller coasters so I had an excuse not to go. Then there was the time in Disneyland at Space Mountain. I let them convince me to go and the whole time I was saying to myself, "You are not going to die! People go on this every day and live to tell about it!" That was my last roller coaster ride (Never again, Grace!) I agree, there's plenty to get your blood pumping in this world that doesn't mean risking your life. Love your photos, though!
Sorry, I need to proofread before I hit "publish"!
Good point that they think we're weird too! One of my Mom's favorite sayings is "To each his own."
Are you still singing that song? That's another kind of trture!
Space Mountain Orlando was the last one I went on too! Except for a spiderman (gentle) ride in Florida - and.... it got stuck with us on it! They had to turn on thre lights and to my surprise, we were up high! UGH!
I think you are very wise!
Oh I am definitely with you, Carol. The thrill of riding a roller coaster was a nightmare for me...that heart pounding was fear, not excitement. I can tolerate the kiddie rides, but don't even think about getting me on one of those screaming roller coasters. And jumping out of an airplane...are they nuts?? I can certainly find my thrills in reading a good book (oh I am definitely getting old). Great post, have fun holding the cotton candy, I'll be standing right next to you. Here would you hold mine while I take a few shots of the roller coaster??
I am quite content to sit in the shade with a good book while my roller coaster aficionado family members ride the coasters. We make a "pilgrimage" to Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH, every year. This year I roamed with my camera while they stood in line enjoying all the vivid colors and beautiful lines and curves of the coasters.
Love you, Deanna! :-)
Well, I wasn't until you mentioned it ...
See - photographers are a very sensible bunch...... Peace, calm, joy.......to my kindred spirits!
I'm heading over to Flickr now - hope you've posted some of your shpts - I'd love to see them!
Well, being a person that is often afraid of heights, I have to admit to enjoying an old rickety roller coaster! I even liked space mountain. I wont be bungie jumping or rock climbing or certainly not anything that twirls in a circle.
What a fun FUN fun post my dear!! That dad cracked me up!
Back in the day I rode my share of roller coasters. I had not been on one for probably 30 years when, last summer, my son invited me to accompany him on the Titan at 6 Flags in Arlington. No one else would ride with him and he loves roller coasters. So I went on it with him and had a headache the rest of the day! I guess I'm not a kid anymore! And I guess my great idea of sky diving just went out the window!
They were fun at one time though!
I was playing at guessing who would be riders - and I was right - I picked you and Linda! You crazy kids!
I am definitely not a risk taker and I do not enjoy roller coasters! I don't like the way it makes me feel. My husband on the other hand, love them! He usually talks me into one or two, but I hate it the whole time!! What a fun post, Carol!
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