by Linda

"Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers! Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those eyes!"
Ever heard that one? Me neither, it's just one of those random things that popped in my head and spilled out in this blog post.
Are you one of those people who have to keep a pair of glasses on your night table? Or do you just need to don a pair of Foster Grants to read the, ahem, "fine print"? Maybe you're like me and only wear a pair when you eat so you don't accidently eat any bugs. {she's weird!} Or maybe you can see anything, anywhere at any time. And I hate you.
{not really}
{just kidding}
I bet you can see a whole lot better than your eye doctor will lead you to believe. And I can prove it.
If you've ever been part of a photo walk with other photographers or even taken one with just yourself and your trusty camera, I bet you see things no one else even notices. Something will capture your attention and soon you'll be drawn to it. You'll be contorting your body and fiddling with your camera to get just the perfect shot.
Everyone can see a flower. You will see the beetle or bee or tick {ew!} on a petal.

Everyone can see a leaf. You will see the shape of it, the texture of it, the uniqueness of it.

Everyone can see a dew drop. You will see a reflection in one, or sun flare. OK, maybe the sun flare thing is just me!

You will see these things and so much more. You will notice the color of the light, the way it embraces the objects it comes in contact with, you will see the playfulness in shadows and you will see the lines and shapes of architecture and nature and people and you will have to capture that beauty.
Looking at life through my lens has not only improved my sight, it has opened my field of vision in new and extraordinary ways. Little things I used to ignore are now captured. I have learned to look at everything from different perspectives. Everything, with or without my camera. There's a popular hashtag on Instagram - #nothingisordinary. Indeed, nothing is ordinary.
Everyone will see you with your attention and camera focused intently on something and they will try to see what it is you find so fascinating. They won't see anything, shrug their shoulders and think "there must be a dead body or something over there" and walk away.
You will capture breath-taking beauty.
See? There's nothing wrong with your eyes!
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oh yes linda...learning to see. one of the {many} gifts of photography. wonderful photos here...and that raindrop seen.
Beautiful images, especially that sun flare in the dew drop! For me photography has not only improved my vision, but also my appreciation for the beauty that surrounds us all every day. Such a blessing.
Oh my goodness that sun flare in the dew drop! AMAZING!
love that water drop! a lot!
That water droplet dazzles! And the post ... well, truer words were never spoken! Not only do we 'see' more, we enjoy more, we appreciate more ... we probably drive our families and friends nuts pointing out all the beauty in our world. But that's okay ... we need to share and they need to learn to see, enjoy and appreciate as well.
Oh, definitely! Photography has made me notice and really see so much more! And when I added a macro lens to my arsenal, that vision multiplied tenfold! I feel a little bit smug sometimes w hen I'm with a non-photographer who said, "You see things, notice things, that I would walk right by." Yes! There is so much beauty in the world to be seen, and for us photographers, captured. If we just look, we'll find our vision is just fine! Oh, and that water droplet sunflare? AMAZING!
Photography will definitely open your eyes. I love seeing through yours. Just stunning. And let me jump on the bandwagon...that droplet? wowsers
So so true! You have awesome eyes and 'seeing' seems to be the theme right now.
I think what I love most about my "seeing" through the lens is that other's are starting to "see" as well. Of course, you have to know that I love that pink flower with the cute little bug!
I'm like Kim and have noticed that others are starting to see things for me when we're together. My grandson's especially, because they're child eyes see so much more than adults. They're always running to me and telling to get my camera and come fast.
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