Monday, July 28, 2014


by Dotti


verb (used with object), sim·pli·fied, sim·pli·fy·ing.
to make less complex or complicated; make plainer or easier: to simplify a problem.


Have you enjoyed this month's theme as much as I have? It's the perfect theme for summer ... when the living is easy.

We've gone from 'finding simplicity' ... to 'simplifying our photography' ... to 'simply said' ... to 'simple joys' ... and 'simple story' ... right up to 'simply stunning'. And let's not forget ... 'easy reading'. Gosh, how many ways we can simplify our lives if we just try hard enough.

Ahhhh! That's the rub, isn't it? Simplify is a lot harder than it sounds. Maybe that's one reason why some of us never seem to manage it. We find it so hard to let go of  'stuff'. You know, stuff we don't really need but have grown attached to. 

The concept of 'simplicity' is near and dear to my heart. In fact, it's my 'word' this year. True confession time: I am lousy at this word thing. I don't even know why I attempt it each January. Maybe because I hear everybody else talking about it and I don't want to be left out. Well, true to form, I've been a dismal failure this year at putting 'my' word into action.

All those closets, drawers, cupboards that I was going to clean? Uh, no ... didn't happen. All those useless little knick knacks {not even good enough to be thought of as photo props} are still hanging around, if not on table tops and shelves then in the aforementioned closets, drawers and cupboards. 

But that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying the theme and posts and photos this month! Really, they have just resonated with me. Even though I haven't accomplished that nirvana called 'simplicity' doesn't mean I can't think about it and dream about it happening.

Why, who knows? Maybe this fall all those closets, drawers and cupboards will get the idea and simplify on their own, without my assistance.

{Now ... wouldn't that be grand?}

PS - There is still one more week for you to show us your beautiful photos of simplicity. The Flickr gallery and IG photostream have been exquisite but there's always room for more.


AFishGirl said...

I really like the book "Clutter Busting" by Brooks Palmer and my daughter likes Matt Paxton's book. I'm with you, Dotti, on having good intentions but it's not easy to get in the mood to really let go of a lot of "things." We do get attached. I know how good it feels to do a big clutter bust. I did the main one after my Mom passed away six years ago. She'd really pared down and that was so helpful to me in doing all that needed to be done once she was gone. I then got rid of (hold your hats) about 95% of my beloved books. Yep. Gone. Given to a charity. At times I miss them but I looked at each one and realized I would not be reading them again and someone else could enjoy them. I like the "one item in, one item out" rule for the house. I like the basket near the door to put those things that catch our eye and you think, "WHEN was the last time I used that?" My own eureka was that things take up space, literally and in the mind. Clutter. And I felt bad about not taking care of all my "stuff" so that took up space, guilt space. I'm due for a huge purge but am waiting for cooler weather. Great post. Happy Monday, FOLers.

Peggy said...

What a great post. I also was one who made that resolution every January. I strive toward it but never seem to reach the exact state I want. Each time I clean out a closet or drawer and throw something away I rejoice. I like things around me. You can always make a vignette on any flat surface. But I have discovered that it is easier to not have so much.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Dotti! You are so right about trying to accomplish simplifying every day life. Every year, my famous last words are, "We are going to simplify, downsize and get rid of anything we don't use on a daily basis"! Well, the closets, cupboards and knick knacks drawers still haven't been de-cluttered!
Hey, I think I just found my word for next year…. C L U T T E R lol!
Thanks for sharing!

heyjudephotography said...

Dotti, my for "one word" for the year is also simplify. And like you, I'm not very good at this 'word' thing. I have the best intentions, but I guess I just don't get it. Anyway... my problem in simplifying is not in paring down my things. I've been doing a pretty good job at that over the past few years. My problem is in trying to simplify my time - my schedules and my family's schedules can be downright overwhelming at times. Your photos are lovely - simple and soothing to the soul. And remember - in the overall scheme of things it doesn't matter if your closets are overflowing or organized, as long as you're happy.

Deanna said...

Oh it is so much easier said than done. I can't tell you how many years I have said, "this is the year" and then the year ends and I am no better off, probably worse" than I started with trying to simplify my home and life. I think my word should be LAZY, that I know I would accomplish without any problem whatsoever.

terriporter said...

Oh, yes, as everyone has said, so much easier to talk about than to do. For years I've been talking about taking one drawer, cupboard, closet, etc. a week and just cleaning it out of all the stuff we don't need. Nope, it hasn't happened. But we are about to embark on a big home remodeling and I will be forced to do it, like it or not. Every single thing needs to come out of my kitchen cupboards. Just writing that makes me a little nauseous! But in the process, I will be weeding out all the things that are taking up space that we don't need and donating them. I will be so glad when it's done and hopefully it will spur me on to other rooms in the house. Watching my son's girlfriend struggle to clean out her mother's house after she died made me want to not put my children through that. So let the simplifying begin! And simplifying my life is just as hard but such a worthy endeavor, although it seems to be even harder for me than decluttering my closets! I like Deanna's thought about it not mattering as long as you're happy. Yep, I'm going with that!

Carol said...

Dotti, I love your post, but I am cracking up with the comments! Ditto - me - two years running with simplifying as my word, and still haven't done it. I love the ideas of using clutter or lazy for the word ! - when I get a moment, I just don't feel like doing it. I hate my hot, stinky cellar, and I hate to be in there. That should be motivation to clean it, but its also a reason I don't want to spend a glorious summer day in there! Excuses, excuses.....

Cathy said...

It took me to move away from our home for three years to purge. Now that I am coming back I look at something and thing... I have not used or missed this for three years. It also helps to have someone (not your husband) help with this purging. But I still have a long way to go. I love all those photos especially that last one.

gina said...

Many of these comments resonated with me. Simplify has been my mantra for several's a process not a goal. Moving to a much smaller house forced me to let go of many things, and I realized I was better off without so much stuff. However, I'm not done -- there's still clutter! My goal is to let go of more each year. I had to deal with my in-laws 50 years of stuff when they passed away, and it was exhausting and took months. Like Terri, I don't want to put my kids through all that. Sarah Susanka's book, the Not So Big House, has been a guide for me.

Katie said...

Simplify---SO much easier said than done! ;-)

Roxi H said...

It's funny how simplifying is a life long process once you get started. Seems there is no where to stop.

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