Wednesday, October 29, 2014

No Words Necessary

by Leigh

By now I'm sure you are all familiar with the fact that we all met up in Galveston a couple weeks ago.  And I'm sure you heard about what a wonderful time we had.  My fellow FOL'ers have done such a beautiful job summing up the experience so really what else can I add?  I guess I could tell you about all the laughs…..all the tears….all the gear talk….the post processing chit chats….and the mosquitoes.  I could definitely tell you about the mosquitoes and there is still evidence on my legs!  
………BUT……I bet you wouldn't expect me to talk about the silence.  Yes, you heard me right….silence.  No noise.  No laughter.  No talking.  Just stillness.

At this point you are probably thinking to yourselves…what the heck is Leigh talking about?  You expect me to believe that with a group of 10 women that there were any moments of silence?  But there were.
We gathered together early one morning at the beach led by our sunrise leader Kim.  Everyone found their own spot along the beach as we waited for the first glimpse of the sun.  We chatted as we set up our tripods and discussed our settings and then it was time for the show.  As the first sight of pink along the horizon the chit chat stopped and all that could be heard were the waves rolling in and out.  We stood there witnessing an amazing sunrise.  There were really no words that could have been spoken to make the experience any more grander than it was.  As the sun continued to rise and shine through the clouds the world started to wake up.  The birds began to fly in as they sang their morning songs.  The seagulls flew low along the water waiting for their first catch of the day.  It was a mediative moment for me...a time to breathe in everything around me and just be still and witness the amazing world that we live in.  Joy filled my soul when I realized that everyone else felt the same way and there were no interruptions.  We were all there for the same purpose and stood in silence together.  No words were necessary.

One evening we found a spot to watch the sunset.  We must have caused quite a stir because cars kept slowing down and people asked "what's going on out there?  What are you looking at?  Is there something out there?"  Yes, the sunset we would reply and the people just shrugged their shoulders, rolled up their windows and continued on their way.  I guess it's just a photographer thing.  That beautiful golden hour light makes us slow down and focus on what's happening in the here and now.  The sunset was pretty that evening, but it was the golden glow that really stole the show.  

We returned back to our beach house and realized that there was a spectacular view just across the street.  As you can see….we all did our own thing….totally in our element.  And it was quiet.  And still.  And peaceful.  No words necessary. 

Our last evening in Galveston was spent on the west end of the island where we found a perfect viewing place along a pier.  At one point Kelly and I both stopped shooting and just took it all in.  It was no longer a time for shooting, but a time for reflection.  I'm pretty sure there were tears in both of our eyes.  No words were necessary.

This is what we were watching.  How could you see this and not stop, be quiet and pause for a moment? Watching a sunset never gets old especially when you have this view! 

"It's almost impossible to see a sunset and not dream" 

Thank you to my FOL sisters.  Not only for the laughter and the tears, but thank you for those moments of silence together.  They were truly special.


Jeanne said...

What a wonderful time! Know it must have been so fun, and love your shots!

Carol said...

Beautifully true, and you brought it back.

Dotti said...

Silence and peace. It was wonderful ... especially since that's sometimes so hard to come by back in 'the real world'. I think we were just each in awe at the beauty that was unfolding before our very eyes. We were each alone with our thoughts ... yet connected to one another. In a moment of silence and peace. What a special gift to one another.

Kim Stevens said...

Ahhh, the silence of sunrise/sunset, I think that's my favorite part even though there is not an absence of noise. It was spectacular, the silence, the togetherness...couldn't have ordered it any better. I love the shot you got back at the!

Cathy said...

I loved this post so much. The bond which brought us together is so strong. That silence, that understanding is so good.

terriporter said...

Oh, Leigh, so well said! And so beautifully photographed. I'm sure it's hard for some people to believe that ten women could be totally silent! But seeing these photos and what we were seeing and trying to capture, I'm sure it's easier to understand what brought about that silence. I know it's been said many times, but being with your "tribe", people who "get it" and get you, well, there's nothing better. Stand by the side of the road at sunset, swatting away mosquitoes, but loving every minute? Yeah, we get it. Rising before dawn just to capture a sunrise? Yeah, we get that too. Such a joy and a privilege to have had this time together.

Anonymous said...

This really spoke to me Leigh -- and the images are just wonderful. When you can experience silence and stillness in a group when witnessing the grandeur of nature and all be totally separate and totally together, you know love. And everyone should experience this. It leaves an indelible impression. At least for me.

Cathy H. said...

Beautiful post and stunning images, Leigh! I felt right there with you all in silence and peace!

AFishGirl said...

You bring it to life, tangible. Lovely, Leigh.

heyjudephotography said...

Even though we were all silently shooting, I felt such a togetherness. Like you and Kelly, I stopped shooting and just witnessed the sunset. Such good memories, and you put it into just the right words.

kelly said...

i think being able to sit in silence is one of the hallmark's of a deep friendship. what i love so much about this group is that we all get it. and we allow each other the space and the quiet to soak it all in. thank you for capturing these wonderful memories. xoxo

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