Friday, November 21, 2014

365 Days

by Cathy

“Do stuff. Be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. Attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. stay eager.”  

~ Susan Sontag

For the last couple of years I have done a 365 project; a daily photo paired with a few words about the day. I shared the photos on Flickr and on my personal blog. When I set forth to do my first 365 I took a photo every day but did not give much thought to it, focusing instead on learning to get my camera off manual mode. I viewed it a little bit like homework. This past year however I really tried be more present; capturing moments in the day which really spoke to me and not worrying so much about the settings of my camera. 

Why commit to 365 days of photos you might ask? For me it is mainly about journaling proof and learning to pay attention. Plus, it has helped me become very familiar with my camera. There is no doubt that picking it up every single day and shooting in all types of situations has helped me become a better photographer and helped me develop my style. I now view my camera as an extension of myself, something to be used, and not some expensive tool which lives in my padded camera bag. If you were to walk into my home you would see that it is out all the time; in the kitchen if I am cooking, lying on the dining room table or on my desk; in my purse if I am leaving. It gets used. 

Lately I have been using my new iPhone for my daily photos, which has helped me learn the iPhone, after switching from an android device. It has also helped me get to know the new apps I have.

The new year is just around the corner and I am giving thought to just what my 365 will look like in 2015. I have loved this month of gratitude and am trying to think of a meaningful way to continue with that in some manner; but I still have a few weeks to decide. I do know that I will be at it again in 2015, not for the sole reason to become a better photography (although practice is so important) but because it has helped me appreciate this life around me. It has helped me pay attention. It has helped me stay eager.

What do you have planned for 2015? Do tell. . . . 

Isn't life grand! xoxoxo


terriporter said...

There is nothing like shooting every day to get you familiar with your camera and improve your photography but it also helps you pay attention to what's going on in your life. You see more. I have done Project Life for the past few years where you take a photo a day and I love looking back at the details of my life, not just the big, important events. As they say, it's all in the details, and I love how shooting every day helps me to notice all the beauty (and sometimes the not so beautiful things) in my life. Purposely looking for the things I am grateful for really helps me to notice how many there are. Love your photos and Basil's paw on your calendar . . . sigh. So sweet!

Dotti said...

Totally agree, Cathy. Shooting every day not only gets us comfortable with our gear, it improves our photography and it teaches us to notice things ... even when we don't have our cameras in hand. I find that in itself is a joy. Wonderful post, so well written, such beautiful photography.

kelly said...

i am winding down my second year of a 365. like you my first goal was to improve my photography, but now i mostly do it for the spiritual exercise of being present in my own life. which i need more practice with than photography. :) i've been debating about how i'll handle next year. somedays i think i'm ready to take a break from it, some days i can't imagine a day without it. thanks for sharing your inspiration. have a wonderful weekend cathy!

Anonymous said...

"It has helped me stay eager." What a great statement, and as good a reason as I can think of to keep on with a 365. The one I did with a small group of online friends on Flickr ended a couple of months ago. At first I was glad for the break, but I've missed it. You've inspired me to think about starting anew at the first of the year.

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