Friday, October 16, 2015

I Am A "Seenager"

by Deanna

This past month I have had the honor of attending 2 of my friends’ birthday celebrations.  I refer to these celebrations as an honor because 1) I am still here to attend the celebrations and 2) they are still here to celebrate.  Now that may sound a little odd but understand that these birthdays were to celebrate their becoming ladies of a certain age and to welcome them into our exclusive 70’s club.  A good majority of my friends have celebrated and are living in this decade. We all live our lives in this exclusive club to the fullest because we know how many birthdays are behind us and cherish each year and birthday as a blessing.  We know we are older, but also we are wiser in our decisions, our guidance, and are full of gratitude for the lives we have been blessed with. 

We are all in the “autumn” of our years, a time when our children are grown, grandchildren have arrived, and none of us are in the workforce any longer (thank goodness).  Recently, as I was perusing Facebook….yes, I do check Facebook everyday to see if there is a picture of my great granddaughter and to get my daily chuckle.  People post the funniest videos and commentaries, I found this recently that is absolutely a perfect description of where we are in our lives….

I Am A Seenager  (A Senior Teenager)
·         I have everything I always wanted as a teenager, only 60 years later
·         I don’t have to go to school or work
·         I get an allowance every month (aka pension & social security if you are lucky)
·         I have my own pad
·         I don’t have a curfew
·         I have a driver’s license and my own car
·         The people I hang around with are not afraid of getting pregnant nor do they do addictive drugs
·         I don’t have acne

Please don’t think because we are Seenager’s that we don’t contribute to society.  Many of my friends volunteer at hospitals, help at foodbanks, work for charitable causes, lead Bible Study groups, participate in book clubs, continue their education, transport the elderly who can no longer drive, mentor young people, and open their home to grandchildren that need a safe haven. We are a valuable piece of society and every birthday should be celebrated with honor and ofcourse good food and drink.

“Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened.”

                                                                                                             ~ Cora Harvey Armstrong


Sandra said...

Can I join your seventies' club? It sounds such fun! I love your autumn images which go so well with being Seenagers! What a lovely word!

AFishGirl said...

This makes me smile with my morning cup of tea. Good morning, Deanna! Good morning FOL ladies!

Carol said...

this is so -YOU ! keep the celebration going! ( and beautiful photos too!)

Dotti said...

I love this! As I'm not yet in your exclusive club, I've taken to calling myself 'older middle age'. I detest the word 'senior'. But clearly the point, wherever we are, whatever we call ourselves, is to celebrate each day. So here's to Seenagers Celebration!

terriporter said...

Yay to being a Seenager! I'll be joining that club in January and I love your list of reasons to celebrate that, especially the "allowance"! Never have I been paid so much for doing so little! I guess it's one of the rewards to reaching that "certain age". Thank you, dear Deanna, for the smile this morning!

kelly said...

oh deanna...this just made me smile....i so love your zest for life! that is in itself such an inspiration to so many! happy friday dear friend! xoxo

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