With our flickr stream filled with glorious reds and golds highlighting the glory that is Autumn, this image by SUA13photography caught my attention right away. Her caption reads, 'fall is in the air.' Not only is this a beautifully serene photo, but I thought it was a unique way to show 'fall.' The cool whites and blues were unexpected to me, but the texture of the linen, and the flowers in their 'fall state' are so beautifully put together and form a stunning image.
Thank you for sharing this image with us. And thank you to all of you who are filling flickr and Instagram with such breathtaking images - each one more beautiful than the next!
OOOOHHHH! I do like this! I love blue and white together, I love white china, I love teacups and teapots. Yes. This photo floats my boat.
A gorgeous and original image, I love it :-)
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