Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Time Marches On

by Leigh

Now more than ever I'm starting to realize how quickly time passes.  It seems as though seasons change just when I feel myself getting wrapped up in the joy of it.  In springtime we are surrounded by the vitality of everything…..as the grass begins to green up, tulips start blooming, everything comes to life all at once.  We feel rejuvenated, full of hope and well…just plain happy!

And then just as quickly as it all started summer creeps in bringing the heat. But we adjust and soak in all the fun that summer has to offer after all it is the time for play and fun. But before you know it Back to School ads pop up on television and school supply lists come in the mail.  Just like that summer is done with.  And then fall….my favorite season of them all arrives in all it's colorful glory. The crispness in the air and the jewel toned colors around make me bring a familiarity that is cozy and comfortable. 

Just as the foliage colors hit their peak the cold mornings and freeze warnings pop up on the forecast.   We go into hibernation mode and even get a bit grumpy as daylight savings time comes to an end and our outdoor evenings are cut short.  There's no hiding from what's coming next. Soon winter will be here and even though it's sad to say farewell to autumn for another year,  I know that soon the tree silhouettes will peak my interest and the sights of the holidays become my photographic focus.  

I guess it's just the seasons of life and I'm noticing how quickly it all goes by.  Perhaps it was turning 40 this year or maybe it's the upcoming 13th birthday of my first born this weekend.  (Excuse me for a second there must be something in my eye)….I guess it's hitting me all at once now more than ever that it's the time to soak it all in and enjoy every minute.  Or maybe it's just hormones, but I am a weepy mess these days!  Maybe that's why photography is so much a part of who I am.  It's the only way I can stop time for a moment and for that I am grateful.


Dotti said...

Leigh, if you find a way to stop time from marching on, I'm sure we all want to know the trick! While I love seeing my granddaughter grow and watching her personhood emerge, I found myself looking at a beautiful photo of her at age 4 and wishing I could have stopped or at least slowed down time at that point in life. And the seasons - well, why are they always in such a hurry? Except winter, it can make a cameo appearance and move quickly off stage. Thank you for sharing not only your beautiful photos with us today but for sharing your heart as well. And happy birthday to Jack!

heyjudephotography said...

I seem to feel melancholy at this time of the year - I love Fall, but when this favorite season changes, its changes are BIG, and what comes next is not my favorite at all. And, like you, I seem to have an acute realization lately that time sure does march on and I better be present and enjoying it NOW! Happy Birthday to Jack the teenager! (I will have a teenager in January - yikes!)

Carol said...

And I hate to say it, but it gets faster and faster every year! Thats why I love photography too but its also why I love gratefulness. It keeps me in the hopeful moment-glad to see it stage instead of the oops-there-it-goes stage.
Happy bday jAck! Those are our last two teens from this group -we are going to have to cling to Campbell, Dotti!

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to your post! Seasons come and go so quickly, it catches me off guard until its almost over! Ive made a promise to myself that Im going to enjoy the beauty of Fall and not even think about Old Man Winter until January! Your photos are beautiful...thanks for sharing!

Lisa Clarke said...

Right there with you. Beautifully put.

Lisa Clarke said...

Right there with you. Beautifully put.

kelly said...

yes leigh...you're preaching to the choir....how I have a daughter that is 22 is beyond me. but we are the lucky ones who can capture the moments with our cameras and in our hearts. xoxo

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